From the Frontlines to the Writers’ Room
5/24/2024 • Sonya Alexander
WGAW members who served in the military discuss the two arenas.
5/24/2024 • Sonya Alexander
WGAW members who served in the military discuss the two arenas.
4/30/2024 • Jessie Kahnweiler
“Shut up and listen to the world” and other things Alvin Boretz taught me.
2/20/2024 • Louise Farr
Black writers reflect on the direction of Black art.
2/16/2024 • Carmiel Banasky
We all have a story within us related to climate change. What’s yours?
5/27/2022 • Lynelle White
An Air Force pilot whose cockpit loses power in a storm goes on to fuel Army Wives.
A conversation between TV writers Kelechi Urama and Charmaine DeGraté
10/16/2020 • Karen Harris
Karen Harris explains why serving on the WGAW Board was a gift and how the experience made her stronger.
10/16/2020 • Nancy De Los Santos
Nancy De Los Santos reflects on what it was like to be elected the WGAW's first Latino/a board member and serving during the 2007-'08 strike.
2/6/2024 • Kelly Hartog
Screenwriters Scott Beck & Bryan Woods open a movie house in their hometown of Davenport.